有言実行の意を込めて、D言語。(Digital Marsの方)
まだ若い言語だが、Better C++としてコミュニティでの議論も踏まえて設計されたため、かなり実用的な機能が盛り込まれている。中規模以上の開発で特に力を発揮しそう。2008年は、英語と実用的なD言語と頭の体操にArcかScalaを一つ勉強する。D言語もArcもScalaも若い言語なため、最近の流行が取り入れられていたり、過去の言語で開発者を悩ませてきた問題をエレガントな方法で対応しているという楽しみがある。
l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux
Friday, February 22, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
スティーブジョブス 偉大なるクリエイティブディレクターの軌跡
Apple関連の本は、たくさん読んだが、この一冊はスティーブジョブスの写真集という意味で非常に価値のある一冊だ。Apple Iを送り出した頃の、眼光が鋭い、自信に満ちあふれたスティーブジョブス(と、少しやせているウォズ)の写真から、膵臓がんと診断され余命宣告を出され、不死鳥のごとくよみがえり「Appleは電話を再発明した」と話す2007年のMacExpoの写真までが掲載されている。あと、「昨日の事でクヨクヨするのではなく、一緒に明日を作っていこう」とゲイツと話す、D5公開インタビューの写真もだ。
2枚の写真を比べると、この時期にジョブスの一気に禿げたのがよくわかる。年齢にして、30歳〜40歳。禿げるには少し早すぎる。Next Stepの経営難、資金難は、当時公表されていた情報よりもよほど大変だった事だろう。「誰がこの業界で毛が抜けるほど頑張ったのか?」とジョブスも言ったのだろうか?「自分の存在や自分が作った製品をどのように魅せるのか?」プロモーションは、とても大事な事だ。出すべき情報、魅せるべきブランドを徹底的にコントロールした、ジョブスのこだわりは素晴らしい。
PCから始まり、デジタルライフ構想、iPod, iPhoneへと今なお最先端を走り続ける男の半生を写真に収めたこの本には、エネルギーが詰まっている。
Sunday, February 17, 2008
as3filters: 画像処理用フィルターライブラリの公開とPhoto BoothをAS3で作った
第二回目のActionScript記事だ。前回は、AS3の練習にとas3zerobugを作ったが、ActionScript -> Firebugプロキシは既出だったようだ。ま、誰でも考えるアイデアだ。
Mac OSXユーザの皆様は、Photo Boothというアプリケーションを知っていると思う。このアプリケーションは、カメラで撮影と撮影した画像に面白いエフェクトをかけることのできる、シンプルなアプリケーションである。このアプリケーションをFlashで作った。
as3filters: Photo Booth Demo
% svn checkout http://as3filters.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ as3filters
% cp as3filters/bin/as3filters.swc /path/to/your-project
% mxmlc -compiler.include-libraries as3filters.swc
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<library-path append="true">
var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, true);
var region:Rectangle = new Rectangle(30, 30, 90, 90)
var twirlFilter:DisplacementMapFilter = Filter.twirlFilter(bmd, region);
bmd.applyFilter(bmd, bmd.rect, new Point(0, 0), twirlFilter);
詳しくは、以下のPhoto Booth Demoアプリケーションのソースをご覧あれ。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
<mx:Script> <![CDATA[
import flash.display.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.media.Camera;
import as3.Filter;
import mx.controls.*;
import mx.core.*;
private var camera:Camera;
private var fps:int = 18;
private const VIDEO_WIDTH:int = 150,
VIDEO_HEIGHT:int = 150;
private function setupVideo():void
bulge_video.width = dent_video.width = twirl_video.width = VIDEO_WIDTH;
squeeze_video.width = video.width = mirror_video.width = VIDEO_WIDTH;
tunnel_video.width = fisheye_video.width = strech_video.width = VIDEO_WIDTH;
bulge_video.height = dent_video.height = twirl_video.height = VIDEO_HEIGHT;
squeeze_video.height = video.height = mirror_video.height = VIDEO_HEIGHT;
tunnel_video.height = fisheye_video.height = strech_video.height = VIDEO_HEIGHT;
public function init():void
// setup camera
if(connectCamera()) {
// Setup video
setInterval((function():Function {
// setup filters
var width:int = video.width;
var height:int = video.height;
var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, true);
var region:Rectangle = new Rectangle(30, 30, 90, 90);
var bulgeFilter:DisplacementMapFilter = Filter.bulgeFilter(bmd, region);
var twirlFilter:DisplacementMapFilter = Filter.twirlFilter(bmd, region);
var squeezeFilter:DisplacementMapFilter = Filter.squeezeFilter(bmd);
var pinchFilter:DisplacementMapFilter = Filter.pinchFilter(bmd, region);
var tunnelFilter:DisplacementMapFilter = Filter.photicTunnelFilter(bmd, region);
var fisheyeFilter:DisplacementMapFilter = Filter.fisheyeFilter(bmd);
var strechFilter:DisplacementMapFilter = Filter.strechFilter(bmd);
// TODO: Dent filter is not supported yet.
var dentFilter:DisplacementMapFilter = Filter.squeezeFilter(bmd, region, 0.3);
return function():void {
// original
// bulge effect
var bulgeBmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, false);
bulgeBmd.applyFilter(bmd, bmd.rect, new Point(0, 0), bulgeFilter);
bulge_video.addChild(new Bitmap(bulgeBmd));
// twirl effect
var twirlBmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, false);
twirlBmd.applyFilter(bmd, bmd.rect, new Point(0, 0), twirlFilter);
twirl_video.addChild(new Bitmap(twirlBmd));
// squeeze effect
var squeezeBmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, false);
squeezeBmd.applyFilter(bmd, bmd.rect, new Point(0, 0), squeezeFilter);
squeeze_video.addChild(new Bitmap(squeezeBmd));
// pinch effect
var tunnelBmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, false);
tunnelBmd.applyFilter(bmd, bmd.rect, new Point(0, 0), tunnelFilter);
tunnel_video.addChild(new Bitmap(tunnelBmd));
// mirror effect
// NOTE: A little tricky because return BitmapData object directly.
mirror_video.addChild(new Bitmap(Filter.mirror(bmd)));
// fisheye effect
var fisheyeBmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, false);
fisheyeBmd.applyFilter(bmd, bmd.rect, new Point(0, 0), fisheyeFilter);
fisheye_video.addChild(new Bitmap(fisheyeBmd));
// strech effect
var strechBmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, false);
strechBmd.applyFilter(bmd, bmd.rect, new Point(0, 0), strechFilter);
strech_video.addChild(new Bitmap(strechBmd));
// dent effect
// TODO: Dent effect is not supported yet
var dentBmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, false);
dentBmd.applyFilter(bmd, bmd.rect, new Point(0, 0), dentFilter);
dent_video.addChild(new Bitmap(dentBmd));
})(), 1000 / fps);
// {{{
private function rotate(source:BitmapData):BitmapData
var width:int = source.width;
var height:int = source.height;
var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
var rotation:Number = Math.PI / 2;
var dx:int = Math.floor(width / 2);
var dy:int = Math.floor(height / 2);
matrix.translate(width, 0);
var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, false);
bmd.draw(source, matrix);
return bmd;
// }}}
private function connectCamera():Boolean
camera = Camera.getCamera();
if(camera) {
camera.setMode(VIDEO_WIDTH, VIDEO_HEIGHT, fps);
return true;
} else {
return false;
<mx:Label text="AS3 Photo Booth." fontSize="16"/>
<mx:VideoDisplay id="bulge_video"/>
<mx:VideoDisplay id="dent_video"/>
<mx:VideoDisplay id="twirl_video"/>
<mx:VideoDisplay id="squeeze_video"/>
<mx:VideoDisplay id="video"/>
<mx:VideoDisplay id="mirror_video"/>
<mx:VideoDisplay id="tunnel_video"/>
<mx:VideoDisplay id="fisheye_video"/>
<mx:VideoDisplay id="strech_video"/>
package as3 {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.filters.*;
* as.Filter
* as3.Filter class includes methods generate variety of filters for image processing.
public class Filter
* Generate the DisplacementMapFilter for twirling effect.
* You can apply the filter is as follows:
* var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, false);
* var filter:DisplacementMapFilter = Filter.twirlFilter(bmd);
* bmd.draw(video);
* bmd.applyFilter(bmd, bmd.rect, new Point(0, 0), filter);
* You can also apply the filter specified region:
* var region:Rectangle = new Rectangle(100, 100, 100, 100);
* var filter:DisplacementMapFilter = Filter.twirlFilter(bmd, rect);
* @params source BitmapData The input bitmap data to apply the twirling effect.
* @params region Rectangle The region to apply the twirling effect.
* @params rotation Number The max amount to rotate, in radius.
* Default is Math.PI / 2.
* @return DisplacementMapFilter Filter to apply twirl effect
static public function twirlFilter(source:BitmapData, region:Rectangle=null,
var width:int = source.width;
var height:int = source.height;
region ||= new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
rotation ||= Math.PI / 2;
var dbmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, false, 0x8080);
var radius:Number = Math.min(region.width, region.height) / 2;
var centerX:int = region.x + region.width / 2;
var centerY:int = region.y + region.height / 2;
for(var y:int=0;y<height;++y) {
var ycoord:int = y - centerY;
for(var x:int=0;x<width;++x) {
var xcoord:int = x - centerX;
var dr:Number = radius - Math.sqrt(xcoord * xcoord + ycoord * ycoord);
if(dr > 0) {
var angle:Number = dr / radius * rotation;
var dx:Number = xcoord * Math.cos(angle) - ycoord * Math.sin(angle) - xcoord;
var dy:Number = xcoord * Math.sin(angle) + ycoord * Math.cos(angle) - ycoord;
var blue:int = 0x80 + Math.round(dx / width * 0xff);
var green:int = 0x80 + Math.round(dy / height * 0xff);
dbmd.setPixel(x, y, green << 8 | blue);
return new DisplacementMapFilter(dbmd,
new Point(0, 0),
* Generate the BitmapData which applied mirror effect.
* You can create the mirrored BitmapData is as follows:
* var bmd = new BitmapData(video.width, video.height, false);
* bmd.draw(video);
* var mirroredBmd = Effect.mirror(bmd);
* @params source BitmapData The input bitmap data to apply the mirror effect.
* @params region Rectangle The region to apply the twirling effect. Default is entire region.
* @return BitmapData BitmapData which applied the mirror effect
static public function mirror(source:BitmapData):BitmapData
var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(source.width, source.height, false);
var halfWidth:int = Math.round(source.width / 2);
bmd.copyPixels(source, new Rectangle(0, 0, halfWidth, source.height), new Point(0,0));
for(var i:int=0;i<source.height;++i) {
for(var j:int=0;j<halfWidth;++j) {
bmd.setPixel32(halfWidth + j, i, source.getPixel32(halfWidth - j, i));
return bmd;
* Generate the DisplacementMapFilterMode for pinch effect.
* You can apply the filter is as follows:
* var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, false);
* var filter:DisplacementMapFilter = Effect.pinchFilter(bmd);
* bmd.draw(video);
* bmd.applyFilter(bmd, bmd.rect, new Point(0, 0), filter);
* You can also apply the filter specified region:
* var region:Rectangle = new Rectangle(100, 100, 100, 100);
* var amount:Number = 0.5;
* var filter:DisplacementMapFilter = Effect.pinchFilter(bmd, rect, amount);
* @params source BitmapData The input bitmap data to apply the twirling effect.
* @params region Rectangle The region to apply the twirling effect.
* @params amount Number Amount of pinch. (-1 <= x <= 1)
* Default is 0.35.
static public function pinchFilter(source:BitmapData, region:Rectangle=null,
var width:int = source.width;
var height:int = source.height;
region ||= new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
var radius:Number = Math.min(region.width, region.height) / 2;
var centerX:int = region.x + region.width / 2;
var centerY:int = region.y + region.height / 2;
var dbmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, false, 0x8080);
for(var y:int=0;y<height;++y) {
var ycoord:int = y - centerY;
for(var x:int=0;x<width;++x) {
var xcoord:int = x - centerX;
var d:Number = Math.sqrt(xcoord * xcoord + ycoord * ycoord);
if(d < radius) {
var t:Number = d == 0 ? 0 : Math.pow(Math.sin(Math.PI / 2 * d / radius), -amount);
var dx:Number = xcoord * (t - 1) / width;
var dy:Number = ycoord * (t - 1) / height;
var blue:int = 0x80 + dx * 0xff;
var green:int = 0x80 + dy * 0xff;
dbmd.setPixel(x, y, green << 8 | blue);
return new DisplacementMapFilter(dbmd,
new Point(0, 0),
* Generate the DisplacementMapFilter for photic tunnel effect.
* Photic tunnel effect is as same as effect of Photo Booth application in Mac OS.
* You can apply the filter is as follows:
* var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, false);
* var filter:DisplacementMapFilter = Effect.pinchFilter(bmd);
* bmd.draw(video);
* bmd.applyFilter(bmd, bmd.rect, new Point(0, 0), filter);
* @params source BitmapData The input bitmap data to apply the twirling effect.
* @params region Rectangle The region to apply the twirling effect.
* @return DisplacementMapFilter Filter to apply photic tunnel effect.
static public function photicTunnelFilter(source:BitmapData, region:Rectangle=null):DisplacementMapFilter
var width:int = source.width;
var height:int = source.height;
region ||= new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
var centerX:int = region.x + region.width / 2;
var centerY:int = region.y + region.height / 2;
var dbmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, false, 0x8080);
var radius:Number = Math.min(region.width, region.height) / 2;
for(var y:int=0;y<height;++y) {
var ycoord:int = y - centerY;
for(var x:int=0;x<width;++x) {
var xcoord:int = x - centerX;
var d:Number = Math.sqrt(xcoord * xcoord + ycoord * ycoord);
if(radius < d) {
var angle:Number = Math.atan2(Math.abs(ycoord), Math.abs(xcoord));
var dx:Number = (xcoord > 0? -1 : 1) * (d - radius) * Math.cos(angle) / width;
var dy:Number = (ycoord > 0? -1 : 1) * (d - radius) * Math.sin(angle) / height;
var blue:int = 0x80 + dx * 0xff;
var green:int = 0x80 + dy * 0xff;
dbmd.setPixel(x, y, green << 8 | blue);
return new DisplacementMapFilter(dbmd,
new Point(0, 0),
* Generate the DisplacementMapFilter for bulge effect.
* Bulge effect is wrapper of pinchFilter method.
* @params source BitmapData The input bitmap data to apply the effect.
* @params region Rectangle The region to apply the bulge effect.
* @params amount Number Amount of bulge. (0 <= x <= 1)
* @return DisplacementMapFilter The filter to apply bulge effect.
static public function bulgeFilter(source:BitmapData, region:Rectangle=null,
// wrapper method of pinchFilter
return pinchFilter(source, region, Math.min(-amount, -1));
* Generate the DisplacementMapFilter for squeeze effect.
* Dent effect is wrapper of pinchFilter method.
* @params source BitmapData The input bitmap data to apply the effect.
* @params region Rectangle The region to apply the bulge effect
* @params amount Number Amount of squeeze. (0 <= x <= 1)
static public function squeezeFilter(source:BitmapData, region:Rectangle=null,
// wrapper method of bulge filter
return pinchFilter(source, region, amount);
* Generate the DisplacementMapFilter for fisheye effect.
* @params source BitmapData The input bitmap data to apply the twirling effect.
* @params amount Number Amount of fisheye (0 <= x <= 1)
* @return DisplacementMapFilter The filter to apply the fisheye effect.
static public function fisheyeFilter(source:BitmapData, amount:Number=0.8):DisplacementMapFilter
var width:int = source.width;
var height:int = source.height;
var dbmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, false, 0x8080);
var centerX:int = width / 2;
var centerY:int = height / 2;
var radius:Number = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(width, 2) + Math.pow(height, 2));
for(var y:int=0;y<height;++y) {
var ycoord:int = y - centerY;
for(var x:int=0;x<width;++x) {
var xcoord:int = x - centerX;
var d:Number = Math.sqrt(xcoord * xcoord + ycoord * ycoord);
if(d < radius) {
var t:Number = d == 0 ? 0 : Math.pow(Math.sin(Math.PI / 2 * d / radius), amount);
var dx:Number = xcoord * (t - 1) / width;
var dy:Number = ycoord * (t - 1) / height;
var blue:int = 0x80 + dx * 0xff;
var green:int = 0x80 + dy * 0xff;
dbmd.setPixel(x, y, green << 8 | blue);
return new DisplacementMapFilter(dbmd,
new Point(0, 0),
* Generate the DisplacementMapFilter for strech effect.
* @params source BitmapData The input bitmap data to apply the twirling effect.
* @params amount Number Amount of strech (0 <= x <= 1), default is 0.6;
* @return DisplacementMapFilter The filter to apply the strech effect.
static public function strechFilter(source:BitmapData, amount:Number=0.6):DisplacementMapFilter
var width:int = source.width;
var height:int = source.height;
var dbmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, false, 0x8080);
var centerX:int = width / 2;
var centerY:int = height / 2;
var vregion:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0 , width / 3, height);
var hregion:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height / 3);
var blue:int;
var green:int;
for(var y:int=0;y<height;++y) {
var ycoord:int = y - centerY;
for(var x:int=0;x<width;++x) {
var xcoord:int = x - centerX;
var dx:int = (Math.abs(xcoord) < vregion.width)?
xcoord * (Math.pow(Math.abs(xcoord) / vregion.width, amount) - 1) : 0x0;
var dy:int = (Math.abs(ycoord) < hregion.height)?
ycoord * (Math.pow(Math.abs(ycoord) / hregion.height, amount) - 1) : 0x0;
blue = 0x80 + 0xff * dx / width;
green = 0x80 + 0xff * dy / height;
dbmd.setPixel(x, y, green << 8 | blue);
return new DisplacementMapFilter(dbmd,
new Point(0, 0),
Dent Filter(Photoshopのフィルタ -> 球面でマイナス指定と同じ)が正しくないのに気づかれたかもしれません。屈折率や曲座標の式などを使えばできると思うのですが、数式モデルがまだわかっていません。as3filtersにコミッタとして参加してもらえるか、数式を教えてください。
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Mobile on Railsのレポジトリ移行とコミッタの募集
ちょうど一年程前に作成したMobile on Railsですが、レポジトリをRuby Forgeに移行しました。
Ruby Forgeに移したので、コミッタとして参加お願いします。
Ruby Forgeにてアカウントを作成し、rakuto at gmailまでアカウント名をお伝えください。
Friday, February 15, 2008
as3filters: Variety of filters for image processing
I think DisplacementMapFilter is pretty cool, but this is a little difficult. So I have created pack of DisplacementMapFilter for variety of effects. We'd like to use DisplacementMapFilter easily to apply interesting effects to the image. If you have interesting idea or skill, please e-mail to rakuto@gmail.com.
I have created Demo application for as3filters. If you are Mac OSX user then you know Photo Booth application, don't you? Photo Booth is simple application to take picture and apply some effects. This one is pretty simple, but intrestin. So I created application with Flash like Photo Booth.
as3filters - Photo Booth Demo
You need to enable the web camera to run the demo. If you don't have web camera then see snapshot.
Snapshot of Photo Booth DEMO
Please see as3filters for details.
% svn checkout http://as3filters.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ as3filters
% cp as3filters/bin/as3filters.swc /path/to/your-project
% mxmlc -compiler.include-libraries as3filters.swc
How to apply the filters
var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, true);
var region:Rectangle = new Rectangle(30, 30, 90, 90)
var twirlFilter:DisplacementMapFilter = Filter.twirlFilter(bmd, region);
bmd.applyFilter(bmd, bmd.rect, new Point(0, 0), twirlFilter);
What kinds of filter can I apply?
Currently, there are few filters. We'd like to contribute the as3filters project.
- Twirl
- Pinch
- Fisheye
- Mirror
- Photic tunnel
- Bulge
- Squeeze
- Strech
Maybe you found dent filter is invalid. I don't know SphereFilter alogorithm. Someone tell me SphereFilter algorithm please.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
OpendID 2.0 でのdelegateの指定
OpenID 2.xでは、delegationの指定方法が変更されています。
OpenID Authentication 2.0 - Final
A LINK element MUST be included with attributes "rel" set to "openid2.provider" and "href" set to an OP Endpoint URL
A LINK element MAY be included with attributes "rel" set to "openid2.local_id" and "href" set to the end user's OP-Local Identifier
<link rel="openid2.provider" href="http://www.myopenid.com/server"/>
<link rel="openid2.local_id" href="http://rakuto.myopenid.com/"/>
それぞれ、OpenID 1.xのopenid.serverにopenid2.providerが対応、opeid.delegateにopenid2.local_idに対応しています。こちらを指定しない際は、OpenID1.xが使用される事になります。後方互換性があるはずなのですが、ruby-openid2.0.3では、上記のように指定しないと、ログインは成功するが、nickname, emailといったフィールドが返されませんでした。ruby-openidでログインできない際は、試してみて下さい。
s21g::Hello, world! - restful_open_id_authentication_redux
Friday, February 01, 2008
[DEMO 08] 脳にアクセスする近未来のハイテクおしゃぶり
DEMO 08 Panel: Research and Technology in Life, on the Web
DEMO 08のレポートを読んでいると、初日に開催された二つのセッションのレポートがあったのだが、その一つThe University of KansasのDr. Steven M. Barlow, Professorによる研究発表のセッションが非常に興味深い。
The Actifier: "high-tech silicon pacifier"として紹介されているおしゃぶり型デバイス

The instrument consists of a pacifier attached to a frame about the size of an infant's shoebox. The wiring in the frame connects to a high-speed computer that gives real-time analysis of the baby's oral motor skills.

"Those muscles have direct connections to the brain stem, which has connections to higher structures, like the cerebral hemisphere,"
The Actifier(ハイテクシリコンおしゃぶり)の先に接続された、乳児の脳の状態をリアルタイムで解析するコンピューターがおそらくNTrainer Systemである。
When a pre-term infant is born, most of you know that it needs a lot of support in an incubator in order to finish developing outside the womb. As the machines used to support the pre-term infant do a good amount of the work for that infant, certain stimuli is lacking in the pre-term infant’s brain that would otherwise trigger development for necessities like learning how to suck (a feeding basic for infants). Technology working directly with the brain.
ニューラルインタフェースは、脳に電気信号を送る事で見えない物を見えているように感じたり、聞こえないものを聞こえているように感じる事ができるが、複合現実感(Mixed Reality, MR)も同様の問題を抱えていると思う。ニューラルインタフェースと同様に、MRも最初は多くの人間が抵抗を示すだろうが、ブレイクスルーを超えれば、普及は加速度的に進む。なぜなら、MRの世界にいない自分だけが、周囲の人間にくらべて損をするからだ。こうなると、MRの世界にいない事は、疎外感を生む。恐ろしいのは、現実と仮想の世界の区別がつかなくなる事である。仮想の世界では、自分の思うように生きる事ができ、自分のやりたいように振る舞う事ができる。そうなった時、脳は現実感を失ってしまうだろう。