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Saturday, January 20, 2007

[rails] activesupport-1.4.0 CHANGELOG

Rails 1.2では、activesupport-1.4.0にアップデートしています。

* Add ActiveSupport::Multibyte. Provides String#chars which lets you deal with strings as a sequence of chars, not of bytes. Closes #6242 [Julian Tarkhanov, Manfred Stienstra, Thijs van der Vossen & Jan Behrens]



% ./script/console
Loading development environment.
>> "É À È Ù Â Ê Î".reverse
=> "\216� \212� \202� \231� \210� \200� \211\303"
>> "É À È Ù Â Ê Î".chars.reverse
=> #<activesupport::multibyte::chars:0xb700136c string="Î Ê Â Ù È À É">
>> "É À È Ù Â Ê Î".chars.reverse.string
=> "Î Ê Â Ù È À É"
>> "É À È Ù Â Ê Î".slice 1..2
=> "\211 "
>> "É À È Ù Â Ê Î".chars.slice 1..2
=> #<activesupport::multibyte::chars:0xb6ffaaf8 string=" À">
>> "É À È Ù Â Ê Î".chars.slice(1..2).string
=> " À"


>> "É À È Ù Â Ê Î".at 0
=> "É"
>> "É À È Ù Â Ê Î".from 1
=> " À È Ù Â Ê Î"
>> "É À È Ù Â Ê Î".from 10
=> "Ê Î"
>> "É À È Ù Â Ê Î".first
=> "É"
>> "É À È Ù Â Ê Î".last
=> "Î"

* Hash#to_xml supports Bignum and BigDecimal. #6313 [edibiase]



% ./script/console
>> {:te => 1111111111}.to_xml
=> "\n\n 1111111111\n\n"
>> {:te => BigDecimal.new("0.123456789123456789")}.to_xml
=> "\n\n 0.123456789123456789\n\n"


% ./script/console
>> {:te => 1111111111}.to_xml
=> "\n\n 1111111111\n\n"
>> {:te => BigDecimal.new("0.123456789123456789")}.to_xml
=> "\n\n 0.123456789123456789\n\n"

* Hash.create_from_xml has been renamed to Hash.from_xml, alias will exist until Rails 2.0 [DHH]

Rails 2.0まではXML文字列からRubyの型を返すcreate_from_xmlが残されますが、WARNINGが発生します。Hash.from_xmlを使用しましょう。

>> Hash.create_from_xml("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<hash>\n <name>David</name>\n</hash>\n")
=> {"hash"=>{"name"=>"David"}}

% tail -f log/development.log
DEPRECATION WARNING: Hash.create_from_xml has been renamed to Hash.from_xml See http://www.rubyonrails.org/deprecation for details. (called from irb_binding at (irb):24)

* alias_method_chain works with accessor= methods also. #6153 [Caio Chassot]

* Added Module#alias_attribute [Jamis/DHH]. Example:

class Content < e =" Email.find(1)"> "Superstars"
e.subject # => "Superstars"
e.subject? # => true
e.subject = "Megastars"
e.title # => "Megastars"


* Optional identity for Enumerable#sum defaults to zero. #5657 [gensym@mac.com]

inject(0) {|sum, p| sum + yield(p)}と等価です。

>> [100,200,300].sum {|yen| yen * 1.05}
=> 630.0

* Enhance Symbol#to_proc so it works with list objects, such as multi-dimensional arrays. Closes #5295


>> [[1, "one"], [2, "two"], [3, "three"]].map(&:last)
=> ["one", "two", "three"]


% ./script/console
>> oh = ActiveSupport::OrderedHash.new
>> oh[:a] = 2; oh[:b] = 1; oh[:c] = 3;
>> oh.keys
=> [:a, :b, :c]
>> oh.values
=> [2, 1, 3]
>> oh
=> [[:a, 2], [:b, 1], [:c, 3]]

* Added Array#to_s(:db) that'll produce a comma-separated list of ids
